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Fucking computer!

My roommate’s computer is acting up again. It’s not mine (although I use it a ton) so I don’t tend to do much maintenance work on it. If it was mine I’d do more since if I fucked it up I wouldn’t be screwing with someone else’s property, but this is just getting ridiculous. I can’t open new browser windows (sill getting pop-up though) or paste anything in a browser. This bit is the worst because I tend to do my blogging offline (so I can spell-check - I do care about you, dear readers) and then paste it into the blogger interface. No can do now. And responding to my Topica list is out because they’ve never been able to receive anything I’ve just emailed so I go through their web page which, of course opens a new window for you to write a response and that’s not working now.

I also can’t copy text from the web, which is getting to be a pain. I typed out the Salam Pax quote below which would have been much easier if I could have just copied it. Both that entry and this one were composed and saved and uploaded later, after I ran the most current Windows 2000 service pack (something I really should have been monitoring, but again, not my machine and I wasn’t asked for help).

However, now the damned thing is asking for things on some program disk and the CD drive hasn't worked for ages. I'm at the end of my tether here.

Yes, I know, I’m whining about the lack of something I didn’t even have ten years ago. I can’t help it, I’ve become a slave to the modern world.


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