It's time to start the garden! Sunflowers sprouting This year we started some herbs and flowers inside. We, that is to say the Child and I, have planed lots of sunflowers. Round two is peaking up here in the kitchen. Round one has already gone outside to the big patch of contaminated dirt that formerly had a willow tree. The tree came down twice in two separate storms so we though it best to chop it up rather tan wait for it to get really big and come down on top of the shed. We would really like to plan something nice like a blueberry bush there but after having the soil tested, we know we can't grow any food there until the soil has been cleaned. Enter the sunflowers. She's two, it's time to put her to work Apparently, sunflowers are very good at removing containments from the soil.And as long as you don't then eat the seeds or put the plants into your compost, they are an effective and quite cheap way of cleaning up decades of crap that has buil...