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News from the homefront

Greetings! As you can see, I'm not the only thing growing here. I planted some basil seeds in our seed sprouter and they seem to be coming up nicely. With luck we'll actually be able to have some homegrown herbs this year, in spite of our city status. I am going to try to set them outside later so that they can get, hopefully, more light than our living room provides.

And speaking of things what grow, my darling Spouse came home with a huge bag of produce yesterday. There's a group that sells low-cost organic produce at the housing authority where he's working. He didn't want to take any last time they came even though they offered, but this time he gave in. The haul included a very large amount of rhubarb which he took because no one else wanted it. His first thought was a nice crumble. He ended up making three, one of which he gave away. It might not look pretty, but it sure is tasty.

This morning I took a few more spears of rhubarb, because even after three crumbles we still have lots left, and made rhubarb and mixed berry (frozen berries) muffins.

Chopping the rhubarb this morning made me all nostalgic. Fresh rhubarb tastes and smells of springtime to me. I remember having a big bush of rhubarb near the house when I was very young. I don't know if that memory is actually correct, but it feels right and makes me smile.


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