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Last Saturday I got into a political discussion with my Cantonese teacher, discussing the two different anti-war camps. The first camp is obviously those who oppose all (or most) forms of violent confrontation. The second, the camp to which my teacher belongs, is comprised of those who do not oppose war outright, or even completely oppose the current intervention in Iraq, but disagree with the way this intervention came about and the international rifts it has caused. (A friend who attended the Boston Common Rally said he couldn't bring a sign because he would need to use 8pt font to fit the full explanation of his views)

I fall somewhere between these two camps. It would take too much time for me to fully work out my feelings on war right now, but talking things over last weekend helped me to clarify my positions on it somewhat. This may be the topic for a much longer post in the near future.

In the meantime, Colin Roald has a fuller essay called Reflections on "liberation" which works through his own feelings about the war. It's an interesting read.


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